The Goals for 2012
As with every new year I resolved for better health which meant losing weight. I somehow managed to balloon to a hefty size that made even my doctor wince when I stepped on the scale. So my lofty goal in January 2012 was to lose at least 70 pounds and by my birthday in September I achieved that goal!
Part of my health resolution wasn’t just my diet but also exercise and activity. I was fortunate enough to find the perfect solution for me which was Tim Ferriss’ 4 Hour Body which was just what I needed. It made sense to me and I found it so easy to do. I kept improving my diet and learned to cook and started walking every day and working out with a kettle bell. I’ve never felt better in my entire life!
Apps and Startup
Another resolution was to do something regarding all of the app and startup ideas I’ve had for many years. I’ve always enjoyed writing reviews for apps and startups for resources like Mashable.com, WebWorkerDaily.com, Appolicious.com and others, but I eventually got tired of writing about others doing amazing work and wanted to take a crack at it myself. So, the goal was simple. Do something, anything, involving a new app or startup.
Well, just before the holidays, I was able to launch a new startup called Applanta and not only that, we were able to procure funding for our first two apps: Shoppio and SafeCROWD! We are still in stealth mode so look for big news in 2013 about this venture and these apps and more!
Quality of Networks
Others resolutions involved larger, loftier ambitions such as improving the relationships in my life with good friends and my family. For the most part I would say I was successful with this one as well. This involved improving the quality of my friends and networks online. I feel really good about the health of my connections on all of the social networks that I use on a regular basis. I firmly believe that we should maintain as positive a circle as possible online and offline. Everything impacts us in ways we never fully understand.
Another annual resolution for me was to finally finish a screenplay that I have been thinking about and working on for a few years called “Nevermore” which was about one of my favorite writers, Edgar Allan Poe. Every year I vowed this would be the year I would finish the blasted script one way or another but for whatever reason I would never even get started. Somehow, like my health and weight, and like my dream of launching an app startup, I was able to fulfill this long-term goal too! I haven’t only started writing the screenplay but completed a 194 page monster of a movie (3 hours 14 minutes)! Talk about Epic Poe! Obviously, I will need to trim the fat and knock it down to size but I was thrilled to harpoon my evasive Moby Dick! Down goes Poe!!!
Swings and Misses
I did have some resolutions that didn’t pan out for one reason or another. One of them was my goal to do something regarding all of the ideas I have for inventions. I wanted to launch at least one invention on Kickstarter but I never got that far. I did form a think tank incubator called AnoDynetics with two other inventors and we held a few official meetings and we created a prototype for one of our inventions but we took far too long in the process and someone else beat us to market (the donut shaped earbud organizer).
Another goal that I feel wasn’t achieved was my wish to be in a better position financially. While I made great strides with my day job at www.CardioMEMS.com, I still feel there is so much more I can do to be more healthy financially. Perhaps this will all change with any amount of success with any of my ventures.
2013 Resolutions
So now I am very excited about making my new crop of new year’s resolutions for 2013 because I feel extremely confident in my abilities to make them happen. This is an awesome position to be in. I truly believe that I can get them done. Check back next year and let’s see what the results are.
2013 goals:
- I will continue most of my resolutions such as improving my health. I still would like to lose a little more weight and get into the best shape of my life (I want to break 10% body fat and get abs, for example).
- I plan to do everything I can to make Applanta a complete success as well as the first two apps we will launch in the first quarter of 2013. If things go well, then we plan to do many more apps.
- If all goes well, then CardioMEMS should finally attain our ever elusive FDA approval! It’s been a six year quest for me and over 10 years for the company but we are so close we can taste it! This will be the year for making medical history.
- I want to continue to improve my quality of networks and always improve my relationships with my friends, family and professional network. This includes online as well as offline relationships. I’ve met an increasing number of virtual friends so this thin line has been slowly disappearing. In time there will not be any difference between these two realms of connections.
- Now that I wrote my Epic Poe, I plan to sell it and get it made. I have some interest in it already so we shall see what happens.
- I aim to complete another script in 2013. After my experience with Poe, I feel confident about any subject matter I tackle. I am thinking about Emily Dickinson now. I know, what a glutton for punishment I am!!!
- Hopefully, my missed goal for 2012 for financial success will be achieved in 2013.
I think the key to my success in 2012 was my ability to live in the present moment and focus on each and every day, one by one. Not only that, I also learned to focus on each decision I made and made the most of my time while in the past I would squander large chunks of time on a regular basis. Sticking to the plan seems to be the key for achieving goals and resolutions. As the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for because you just might get it!
Happy New Year and may all of your dreams and resolutions come true in 2013!