How does one do this without going nuts or losing great big chunks of precious time? I will try to share some thoughts on how to make your digital life more managable and thus all the more enjoyable. Ultimately, it will mean more free time for your offline life. These articles will be part of my Quality vs Quantity series which will adhere to the “Less is More” school of thought. Think ZenHabits meets LifeHacker with a sprinkle of twitter fairy dust (No, nothing to do with Robert Scoble!)
Here’s my You 2.0 map from MindMesiter that will give you an overview of what I plan to cover. I will continually change and update this map as it is, just like us, a perpetual work in progress.
I’m continually learning and growing so look for this information to do likewise. The goal is to provide a detailed breakdown of each module on the map, eventually. Please feel free to contribute to the project by sending links and suggestions whenever you think you might have a better way to do thing. After all, this is called YOU 2.0.
The Road Map to your reinvented digital self: You 2.0
Identity Management: Identity Crisis covers ways to take control of your online profiles and personal brand. Using OpenID is the key to the fine art of Less is More.
Contact Management: How do you manage your ever growing list of contacts? Identity Crisis also covered this ground with Plaxo and its powerful contact management and sync features.
Favorites: I Got Your Favorites Right Here covers the best social bookmarking sites around today.
Instant Messaging: Meebo: IM Legend covers the ways Meebo can reduce the headaches of multiple messenger accounts with a single login.
Email Management: Inbox 2.0 covered the future of email aggregation by spotlighting and its ability to consolidate numerous email accounts and social networking messages into one one.
RSS: Feed Me, Seymour revealed a unique way to make Google Reader grab all of your own personal RSS feeds and share them.
News: Is it better to Digg your news or Mixx it up? This will examine the future of news delivery.
Blogs: Finding ways to improve managing your blog(s).
Websites: Streamlining your website. Registering your Personal Brand with a domain name.
MicroBlogs: What are the differences between all of the micro-blogging services? Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku, Tumblr, Utterz, etc.
Social Networks: Social Networking Aggregation is the key to controlling this runaway train of digital information. Identity Crisis covers Plaxo with Pulse and some other aggregators.
Music: Virtual DJ shows the best ways to stream your music library and access it from anywhere in the world.
Photos: Is Flickr still king or can PhotoBucket or some other challenger dethrone them?
Videos: YouTV examines some of the best ways to manage your video collection and broadcast it from one place.
LifeCasting: What’s the right tool for you? Seesmic, Utterz, Ustream, Qik?
Phone: The future of the phone is extremely exciting as I will look at services like GrandCentral, YouMail, Pinger, Jott and more.
Message Forums: Forums + Web 2.0 = Tangler covers the new age message forum. It isn’t your father’s message board anymore.
Summation: The Quality vs Quantity (less is more) Series will strive share the best aggregation tools and services available today in an effort to make your online life more managable and thus more enjoyable.