We decide whether or not to keep someone in our lives on a daily basis by the actions we take. A good friend is like a wish your heart makes. Each friend feeds a different part of you…fulfills a unique desire and satisfies a special hunger that no one else can.
Some friends are more cerebral, some are more fun, some are more emotional, others are just there for you to help and support…thus fulfilling your need to nurture and take care of someone. Sometimes your friend is the one who helps you and nurtures you.
Anyway, so please appreciate all the friends you have in life. Don’t ever take them for granted and don’t keep any around who are no longer a positive element in your life.
We are all here to serve a purpose and nothing is by chance. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. When the lesson is learned, so shall end the class.
I came up with that last part. I hope I hear from you, my friend, today. If not, then I want to thank you for being there and wish you all the best in life.