I could not form anything to say that would make sense. Anyway, I feel able to say something about what our country and the world is facing now. Please read this and join me in this mission.
Just wanted you to know what I just learned. One of the major reasons for the attack on 9/11/2001 involved money, Big time money! The securities exchange commission and other authorities have confirmed that there was an unprecedented amount of stock market activity involved PUTS just prior to the attack. PUTS are in essence long shot bets against a company, where the investor is counting heavily on that company?s stock value taking a plunge! The terrorists chose a couple airline companies and several others that were located in or near the WTC! So, this was not just a political or religious motivated attack, but also financial! Talk about your blood money. There are now over 5,400 dead and tens of thousands of good people out of work. Also, don?t forget all the family members without their sole provider.
What can we do? Since money seems to be the root of this evil, and we all know that the OPEC nations are directly connected to most terrorist groups, I propose that every one of us do our very best to change our pathetic dependence on oil. There are alternative resources we can turn to that would put a hurting on those oil nations that have been controlling us gas guzzling yanks for too many decades.
There have been great advances in electric and solar powered vehicles. California has already seen a great increase in sales of electric cars. We all need to do the same.
The biggest hurdle is going to be fighting out very own automobile industry. They stand to lose a great deal of money during this transition, but what price can you put on life? Lee Iacocca fought for years against the bill that would have made airbags mandatory because it would have meant great expense for his industry! So, because of that thinking, hundreds of thousands of lives were lost because the automobile industry only thought about the bottom line. They wanted to avoid the expense of incorporating airbags and went to great lengths to convince then President Nixon that it was not a good idea. Thank God common sense prevailed eventually when enough family members and friends of accident victims got together to make that change.
That is what we need to do now. When enough of us reach a critical mass, only then can change take place. Please talk about this and forward this to as many people as you can. This will spread the idea and perhaps take off. If hoaxes and viruses can spread across the nation like the plague, why can?t a good idea whose time has come? Thanks for taking the time to read this long tirade. God bless.
Doriano Carta