Well, if that is the case, then here are some tools and sites that can help you find your inner screenwriter and perhaps stamp your ticket to a future Academy Awards ceremony where you will make your acceptance speech for best screenplay. If you do, then please don’t forget to thank Paisano, ok?
If you write with Microsoft Word then start with one of these free screenplay document templates:
- Here’s the one for Microsoft Word 2007 (Office 2007)
- Here’s the one for Microsoft Word 2003 (Office 97 & Office 2003)
For an awesome online service to create screenplays, try PlotBot which is free. For more information, Here’s previous coverage of PlotBot called “Your Ticket to Hollywood” which allows you to write your screenplays online and even collaborate with others.
Here’s a new post I wrote for Mashable called 5 Ways to Collaborate on Documents Online in Real-Time which will allow you to work with others on a screenplay.
Sometimes the best way to learn how to do something is by analyzing those that have done it before you. http://www.simplyscripts.com provides hundreds of free downloadable scripts that you can read and learn from the masters.
Another way to learn is by reading some excellent books on the subject matter. Here’s a great list of resources from Oscars.com!